Core values of this practice




—Prioritizing a "felt sense" of safety

Q. What are further resources for learning about Somatic Experiencing?






These cover a variety of topics (including medical trauma, ADHD, and Dr. Levine's work with a veteran of the Iraq war) and they feature interviews with Peter Levine and others familiar with his work. I especially recommend "Nature's Lessons in Healing Trauma," and I ask those who are new to SE to take the time to see at least this one film before the first session. It is preferable to see the first three videos.


—Waking the Tiger, Peter A. Levine

—The PolyVagal Theory, Stephen Porges

—Trauma-Proofing your Kids, Peter A. Levine and Maggie Kline

—In an Unspoken Voice, Peter A. Levine







Q. What do sessions cost?

—SE students start at $135/session. Lucia is approved for personal sessions and consults at all three training levels, for group work at the Beginning and Intermediate level, and for Beginning I video review.

—General public starts at $200/hour (income based)

  • Sessions often last 75-90 minutes

*Insurance coverage is in process for some companies (Aetna and Blue Cross).


Q. Are online sessions availble?

Yes. Schedule through this website, or contact Dr. Lucia directly.


Q. What is the role of touch in SE work?

Occasionally, and always/only with consent, gentle supportive touch can help move the work forward.

Q. What about developmental trauma?

We are just beginning to understand the long-term impacts of childhood and even perinatal trauma, or of bad things happening to the tiny embryo in the womb-- and the way in which these things increase the risk of disease and imbalance (addiction, eating disorders, for example) later in life. Kathy Kain and Stephen Terrell have pioneered a way of resolving those early injuries-- and of healing the later-life consequences, ranging from autoimmune illness to hypertension and diabetes. Dr. Roncalli has studied with them, and uses their approach.

To learn more about this approach, go to:


This technical study shows how gentle focused touch can alter the body''s stress response:

Two Experiments on the Psychological and Physiological Effects of Touching-Effect of Touching on the HPA Axis-Related Parts of the Body on Both Healthy and Traumatized Experiment Participants

To learn about the famous Adverse Childhood Experiences study-- ACEs-- and the connection between early trauma and later disease, go to: The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity by Nadine Burke.

See also: https://chronicillnesstraumastudies.com/ace-fact-sheet/

Nurturing Resilience: Helping Clients Move Forward from Developmental Trauma, by Kathy Kain and Stephen Terrell